Слава Ісусу Христу! Навіки Слава!

Вітаємо Вас на сайті Церкви Святого Івана Хрестителя, м. Піттсбург, Пенсильванія

Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!

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«Слово Христове нехай у вас перебуває щедро: навчайтесь у всякій мудрості й напоумляйте одні одних» (Кол. 3, 16). Через Боже Слово ми пізнаємо Христа, зустрічаємося з Ним і входимо у живі відносини з Ним.

Розклад Богослужінь

Субота, 15:00

Читана вечірня

Субота, 16:00

Божественна Літургія

Неділя, 8:30 AM

Божественна Літургія

Божественна Літургія 5-го травня 2024р служитись не буде.

Upcoming Events

Pyrohy Pick Up

On Thursdays from 11:00 until 4:00

Church Restoration Project




109 South 7th Street Pittsburgh, PA 15203 (Located in the South Side)

Everyone is Welcome! Are You Looking for A Spiritual Home?

If you are looking for a spiritual home, consider our Parish Community, which is founded on one of the most important gifts of the Holy Spirit: the fullness of Holy Tradition, just as it was handed down to us from Jesus, to the apostles, to the bishops. Although containing many written documents, Holy Tradition includes the total life and experience of the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, with all of its elements organically linked together in real life. They cannot be separated or isolated from each other. The Bible is in first place. It is followed by the liturgical life and prayer (public/communal and personal/devotional) together with fasting and almsgiving, the Church’s dogmatic decisions and acts approved by Church Councils, the writings of the Church Fathers, the lives of saints, the church laws, and the iconographic tradition together with other inspired forms of creative artistic expressions (hymns, music, architecture, etc.).

Our Community is open to any Catholic or to anyone else who:

  • Is interested in seeking the Lord Who has chosen to reveal Himself in His Word and in the Sacraments (Holy Mysteries)
  • Accepts the teachings of Christ, as entrusted in its fullness, to the Universal (Catholic and Orthodox) Church.
  • Will help form a Community based on the Lord Jesus’ love, and therefore…
  • Wishes to receive the office of the Pope of Rome as one who presides in love specifically at the service of the Lord’s will. This means, in effect, that to be Orthodox and to be Catholic is not contradictory, as some would claim, but complementary - universal.
  • Is willing to grow as a Christian, guided by the authen­tic customs of our Ukrainian Catholic Church and lived out in our American context, and to share these with our community at large.
  • Is willing to support the growth of St. John the Baptist Parish, the St. Josaphat Eparchy (Diocese), and the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the sharing of his/her time, talent and treasure.

If this is the type of spiritual home that you seek, please

Speak With Our Pastor

Отець Ярослав Коваль

Яка прекрасна наша церква

Продаж Вареників

Продаж припинено через пандемію Covid-19

Контактна Інформація

Церковний офіс працює по Понеділках і П"ятницях з 9:00 до 13:00

Церковний офіс, Телефон: 412-431-2531

о. Ярослав Коваль (412) 431-2531 (в невідкладному випадку прослухайте повідомлення і задзвоніть по номеру який почуєте в повідомленні)

Resources - History

Diamond Jubilee Book, 1967

It's probably the best written history text we have.

Celebrating a Century of Faith 1891-1991

It's pretty much a compilation of Diamond Jubilee Book, 1967 text.

St. Josaphat Directory, 1988

Another history passage found in St. Josaphat "millennium" directory book, published in 1988.